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Warm Up Activity - Articulation tongue twisters

Students have all previously learnt these popular tongue twisters. The aim of this warm up is to exercise the voice and mouth. Have students read through each tongue twister progressivley getting faster. 

  •  Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

       If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,

       How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

  • Unique New York.                

  • The epitome of femininity.                    

  • Red lorry, yellow lorry.

  • She stood on the balcony,

      inexplicably mimicking him hiccoughing,

      and amicably welcoming him home.

  • The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains


Body - Tableaus

How do they feel?

Show students the image slideshow (found below) and prompt students to interpret each picture. Some students may only identify an emotion (sad) where others may identify a scenario (sad because they are hurt), both answers are acceptable depending on students inference abilities (as identified through literacy).


Pick That Face:

Students are to work in groups of approximately 4 people. Taking it in turns they mut display an emotion or character through the use of facial expression and frozen movement. Explain that they are to look like a picture, no movement and no voice. This activity is to strengthen students facial expression. 


Then what happened?

Students are again working in their groups of approximately 4. They are to select an idea from the Sizzling Starter box. As a group students are to create a series of scenes (minimum 4, maximum 6) to tell a short story of wht happens next. This activity strengthens students ability to predict and interpret a scenario based on a written stimulus.  



Students take a seat on the floor leaving space out the front as a stage. Ask for a volunteer group to perform first, if no volunteers arise, randomly select a group. Prompt students to provide positive peer feedback and identify the what happened in the scene they just watched.


Learning Intentions: We are learning to develop a scenario from a written stimulus. We are improving our control over movement to emphasise character.


Success Criteria: We will be successful when our peers can correctly 

identify the scenario we are presenting. 

How do they feel?
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